Tuesday, 13 August 2013

My Teddy bear Birth Day Party

Hey! Everyone invited to Birth Day Party!
What we should make first? Invitations!Look, who is coming to the party?
It is a great opportunity to learn shapes and colours! We had some invitations with the pictures of Teddy Bear's Friends; we observed shapes and found out that the sheep had a star-invitation, but the dog...We discussed that shape and children said:"It looks like a square but "Not right square!..." that was a trapeze.
Another new shape for my children was hexagon.

Guests are coming time to think about entertainment and treats! And we again were talking about shapes! Now it wasn't hard and children quickly find out which shapes of cookies we are going prepare for party!
they matched them easily with shapes, and after they match them with pictures of shapes and shapes in our room! They were very excited to find ovals, squares, circles, cubes and other shapes around!

Time is going fast and we should be dressed up before guests are coming.

Presents, Presents!!!!!Just guess what Teddy Bear may have for the present in this rectangle  box?

cube box?

Cylinder and pyramid boxes?
Oh, you even couldn't guess what kind of presents got Teddy Bear!

Round cookies, car(It is magic car, it's growing when you opening the box), cake, jewellery for his sister (why not?),  skates!(He can save it for winter time or, I know, I know it is a roller-skates, you can use them during the summer time!)

Oh, this round box exactly hide from us a cake!
But cake also may be square! who faster? 

Cake should be very special for our party; we mixed play dough with the sparkles!(which is very good for our fine motor skills

Some children decided to make a round cake

some square

some beads on top

candle, and....

Congratulation! Wonderful Birthday Party started!!!!

We were Dancing, playing, and of course singing "Happy Birthday song for Birthday BOY!

Happy Birthday, Teddy Bear!


  1. Мила, как интересно! Перевод немного корявый, но идею уловила!
    Тортики из фетра?

    1. Тортики из соленого теста разных цветов, ехпериментировала долго пока нашла подходящий рецепт - какнибудь выложу, добавляю для цвета и запаха сухие напитки. Иногда с тестом проблемы слишком липкое - выбрасываю, но зато точно знаю - есть можно сырым - как оно есть)) поетому предпочитаю для лепки именно тесто для всех возрастов.

    2. Я вообще вам всем, кто читает мы блог на русском искренне сочувствую... мой корявый английский, плюс корявый перевод...спасибо что не перестаете читать!

  2. Мила, здравствуйте! У Вас всегда такие насыщенные занятия! Превосходно! У детишек на фотках всегда такие лица радостные, открытые!

    1. спасибо, Жанна!Очень рада видеть вас всех у себя на странице!

  3. отличное занятие. Мне нравится бывать у вас в гостях, мы такие разные, всё делаем по-разному. Беру на заметку ваши идеи. Спасибо!

  4. Нет проблем ,always welcome,
    я все еще две щаших идеи вынашиваю, вашу и Аленину, а тут уже в школу опяТь пора...y
