Wednesday 27 August 2014

Hello my dear friends!

Hello my dear friends!

Almost one year past since my last post. Sorry, I did not share anything with you but I am really need to tell you a lot! So, let's start new year with new post! I would like to introduce to you a wonderful poem of 

Michael Rosen - We're Going On A Bear Hunt

That was real bear hunt for me! Once I heard this poem in Child Care where I had a placement and never could find out who wrote this wonderful game! For my Russian friend - I found that there is a book called "Идем ловить медведя" but in fact it does not sound so good. In couple days through our play we created with my little friend a new poem - in Russian (if you want that just call me)! That was wonderful time for dramatic play and amazing literacy activity!
We learn a lot of new Russian words and....
Don't forget fine motor!We created amazing bears with coffee play-dough!


Mammy and Daddy gonna love them! They smell so good!


  1. Вот это точно: хэлоу, май френдс...
    Здравствуйте, Мила!!! Рада, что Вы появились! И не одна, а очаровательными мишками! Не теряйтесь больше!

  2. Ура! Мила вернулась в блогомир! Очень очень рада! Мишки да еще из такого необычного материала - класс! Не теряйтесь!
